Resources.The Documents Research Network aims to facilitate the sharing of resources which will help researchers work with documents as data.
These pages will be developed over time with new texts and categories added.
Please do contact us with your own work and texts that you have found helpful to add to these pages
Please do contact us with your own work and texts that you have found helpful to add to these pages
Core methods texts
Grant, A, 2018. Doing EXCELLENT social research with documents: Practical examples and guidance for qualitative researchers. Abingdon: Routledge. [Chapters available for peer review, please contact [email protected]]
Prior, L., 2011. Using Documents and Records in Social Research, London: Sage.
Prior, L., 2008. Repositioning Documents in Social Research. Sociology, 42(5), pp.821–836.
Prior, L., 2003. Using documents in social research, London: Sage.
Scott, J., 1990. A Matter of Record, Cambridge: Polity Press.
Scott, J., 2006. Documentary Research. London: Sage [NB: four volumes]
Prior, L., 2011. Using Documents and Records in Social Research, London: Sage.
Prior, L., 2008. Repositioning Documents in Social Research. Sociology, 42(5), pp.821–836.
Prior, L., 2003. Using documents in social research, London: Sage.
Scott, J., 1990. A Matter of Record, Cambridge: Polity Press.
Scott, J., 2006. Documentary Research. London: Sage [NB: four volumes]
Simple chapters for those new to documentary analysis
Coffey, A., 2009. Analysing Documents. In U. Flick, ed. The SAGE handbook of Qualitative Data Analysis. London: Sage.
Mason, J., 2002. Qualitative Researching, London: Sage.
Merriam, S.B., 2009. Qualitative Research: A Guide to Design and Implementation, Sanfransisco, CA: Wiley.
Rapley, T., 2008. Doing Conversation, Discourse and Document Analysis (Qualitative Research Kit), London: Sage.
Mason, J., 2002. Qualitative Researching, London: Sage.
Merriam, S.B., 2009. Qualitative Research: A Guide to Design and Implementation, Sanfransisco, CA: Wiley.
Rapley, T., 2008. Doing Conversation, Discourse and Document Analysis (Qualitative Research Kit), London: Sage.